Design Patterns


Madoc uses various patterns with a focus on extensibility and customisation. This helps us to build a system that can be used for a wide range of use cases, and allows us to build a system that can be extended in the future.

  • Tasks for state transitions
  • Registries for customisations
  • Page blocks + slots for frontend
  • Contextual configuration

Tasks for state transitions

Madoc uses the Tasks API to represent any action that needs to be performed over a period of time. That could be a long-running task, or a task that requires user input. The tasks API allows us to represent these actions in a way that can be queried, and can be used to represent the state of the system, or a part of the system - such as a project.

For example, when a user imports a large IIIF Collection we represent this as a task. The task will have subtasks for each manifest, and each manifest will have subtasks for each canvas. This allows us to represent the state of the import process, and allows us to query the state of the import process. It also allows us to cancel the import process at any time, and to resume the import process if it fails.