Tech Stack 🛠️
Full reference of all technologies and packages used to build Madoc
This page is a WIP
- Postgress SQL uuid-ossp (opens in a new tab)
- Postgress SQL ltree (opens in a new tab)
- BullMQ (opens in a new tab)
- slonik (opens in a new tab)
- React (opens in a new tab)
- Typescript (opens in a new tab)
- Storybook (opens in a new tab)
- React Query (opens in a new tab) -asynchronous state management
- React Router (opens in a new tab) - client and server-side routing
- React i18next (opens in a new tab) - internationalization framework
React Components
- react-dnd (opens in a new tab) - Drag and drop for react
- Formik (opens in a new tab) - React form library
- react-tooltip (opens in a new tab)
- react-functional-select (opens in a new tab) - select component
- query-string (opens in a new tab) - parse and stringify url query strings
- slugify (opens in a new tab) - slugify a string
- react-dropzone (opens in a new tab)
- react-helmet (opens in a new tab)
- Jest (opens in a new tab) - parse and stringify url query strings
- Storybook interaction testing (opens in a new tab) & Storybook Jest (opens in a new tab) -Storybook testing add ons
Honorable mentions
- react-svgr Playground (opens in a new tab) - Transform SVGs into React components
- IIIF cookbook (opens in a new tab)